Welcome to the original &
historic website of the
Transhumanist Party®

Dear friends, supporters, & anyone interested,

I founded the Transhumanist Party on October 7, 2014. For over two years, I led its
growth as its Chairman and its nominated 2016 US Presidential candidate. During that
time, the party surprised everyone and become a prominent political entity that tens of
millions of people heard about--likely trafficking 5th overall of all formal political parties
in the 2016 US elections. The party appeared in many places--from a speech in the
World Bank, to an AMA on 9 million member Reddit Futurology, to protesting the RNC
and DNC conventions, to doing an interview with underground group Anonymous, to
doing the opening keynote at the
Financial Times Camp Alphaville, to consulting with
the US Navy, to being included in the US Archives, to traveling for months across
America on the Immortality Bus, to routinely appearing on major television networks.
For the first time in history, the Transhumanist Party gave science, health, and
technology a political voice with clear and original policy.
After completing my
2016 US Presidential campaign, I voluntarily stepped down from Chairman of the party
and designated new leadership. The new leaders and the new party website can be
found here:

Below are screen shots taken from a tablet of the historic and original Transhumanist
Party website (November 9, 2016). Also, included in its adapted form below of the
original site, is the "About" page, the "Platform" page (Zoltan Istvan's 20-point plan),
and the "Transhumanist Bill of Rights" page (as delivered to the US Capitol on the
Immortality Bus in December 2015).

Finally, I want to thank all the advisors, volunteers, donors, officers, and supporters who
have made the Transhumanist Party into something important.

Sincerely, Zoltan Istvan


Welcome to the official site of the Transhumanist Party, an American political
organization dedicated to putting science, health, and technology at the
forefront of United States politics.

We aim to uphold the energy and political might of millions of transhumanist
advocates out there who desire to use science and technology to
significantly improve their lives.

The Transhumanist Party is politically-centric and aims to support its
candidates and voters with future-inspired policies that will enrich America
and the world. We believe science and technology can solve most of the
world's problems. Many of the party's core ideas and goals can be found in
the Platform page and in the founding party article in The Huffington Post.

The Transhumanist Party was founded by futurist and philosopher Zoltan
Istvan on October 7, 2014 as a nonprofit organization. Istvan is its 2016 US
Presidential candidate, per a vote of the party's officers. Check out his
Op-Ed in Gizmodo, his interview in Popular Science, and his video interview
with the Financial Times. Istvan's Presidential campaign site is:

The Transhumanist Party is operated and managed by the Transhumanist
National Committee LLC.

Even though the Transhumanist Party is young, it's already inspired many
people, most who are ready for a major change
in the landscape of American politics.

Check out the calendar for a list of upcoming events, and please consider
volunteering for the party or making a donation.
Together we can vastly improve America and create the future we always

The Transhumanist Party and Zoltan Istvan's US Presidential campaign
aspires to be politically-centric. It aims to support voters with future-inspired
policies that will enrich America and the world. We believe science and
technology can solve most of the world's problems. Many of the party's core
ideas and goals—as well as those of Zoltan Istvan's—campaign can be read
in the founding party article in The Huffington Post or this Op-Ed in Gizmodo.

Here's the more detailed platform below:

1) Implement a Transhumanist Bill of Rights advocating for legal and
government support of longer lifespans, better health, and higher standards
of living via science and technology. Designate aging as a disease. Lay
groundwork for rights for other future advanced sapient beings like conscious
robots and cyborgs.

2) Spread a pro-science culture by emphasizing reason and secular values.

3) Create stronger government awareness and policies to protect against
existential risk (including artificial intelligence, plagues, asteroids, climate
change, and nuclear warfare and disaster).

4) Reduce the size and cost of the government by streamlining operations
with new technology.

5) Implement policy for the phasing out of all individual taxes base on robots
taking most jobs in the next 25 years. Advocate for a flat tax until we reach
that point.

6) Advocate for morphological freedom (the right to do anything to your body
so long as it doesn't harm others). Defend genetic editing and other radical
science that can transform health care.  

7) Advocate for partial direct digital democracy using available new
technologies. Implement a Ranked Voting System.

8) End costly drug war and legalize all drugs. Spend saved money on

9) Create government where all politician’s original professions are
represented equally (the government should not be run by 40% lawyers when
lawyers represent less than 10% of the country’s jobs). Create
government where women run half of country too.

10) Significantly lessen massive incarcerated population in America by using
innovative technologies to monitor criminals outside of prison. Spend saved
money on education.   

11) Strongly emphasize and create radical green tech solutions to make
planet healthier.

12) Because most jobs will be lost to robots and software in the next 30 years,
support and draft logistics for a Universal Basic Income for every American
(taking care to devise a plan that does not enlarge the
government). A properly set up UBI could eliminate welfare, social security,
and dozens of other major government programs. Over the extreme long
term, consider possibility of a Resource Based Economy.

13) Dramatically enlarge US space exploration agenda with increased
government and private resources.

14) Develop international consortium to create a "Transhumanist Olympics"

15) Encourage private industry to develop and support usage of a trauma
alert implants or technology that notifies emergency crews of extreme trauma
(this will significantly reduce domestic violence, crime, and tragedy in

16) Develop science and technology to be able to eliminate all disabilities in
humans who have them.

17) Insist on campaign finance reform, limit lobbyist’s power, and include 3rd
political parties in government. Implement term limits in all Government.
Mandate real time public surveillance and transparency of Government.

18) Provide free public education at every level; advocate for mandatory
college education and preschool in the age of far longer lifespans

19) Advocate for a more open and fair immigration policy, taking care to use
technologies to help this.

20) Create a scientific and educational industrial complex in America instead
of a military industrial complex. Spend money on wars against cancer, heart
disease, and diabetes—not on wars in far-off countries


Presented to the United States Capitol on December 14, 2015 by Zoltan
Istvan, founder and US Presidential candidate of the Transhumanist Party

Preamble: Whereas science and technology are now radically changing
human beings and may also create future forms of advanced sapient and
sentient life, transhumanists establish this TRANSHUMANIST BILL OF
RIGHTS to help guide and enact sensible policies in the pursuit of life, liberty,
security of person, and happiness.  

Article 1. Human beings, sentient artificial intelligences, cyborgs, and other
advanced sapient life forms are entitled to universal rights of ending
involuntary suffering, making personhood improvements, and achieving an
indefinite lifespan via science and technology.

Article 2. Under penalty of law, no cultural, ethnic, or religious perspectives
influencing government policy can impede life extension science, the health of
the public, or the possible maximum amount of life hours citizens possess.

Article 3. Human beings, sentient artificial intelligences, cyborgs, and other
advanced sapient life forms agree to uphold morphological freedom—the
right to do with one’s physical attributes or intelligence (dead, alive,
conscious, or unconscious) whatever one wants so long as it doesn’t hurt
anyone else.

Article 4. Human beings, sentient artificial intelligences, cyborgs, and other
advanced sapient life forms will take every reasonable precaution to prevent
existential risk, including those of rogue artificial intelligence, asteroids,
plagues, weapons of mass destruction, bioterrorism, war, and global warming,
among others.

Article 5. All nations and their governments will take all reasonable measures
to embrace and fund space travel, not only for the spirit of adventure and to
gain knowledge by exploring the universe, but as an ultimate safeguard to its
citizens and transhumanity should planet Earth become uninhabitable or be

Article 6. Involuntary aging shall be classified as a disease. All nations and
their governments will actively seek to dramatically extend the lives and
improve the health of its citizens by offering them scientific and medical
technologies to overcome involuntary aging.

Oct. 7, 2014: Zoltan Istvan founds Transhumanist Party & publishes opening article in The
Huffington Post
Oct. 31, 2014: Extreme Tech publishes first major interview on the Transhumanist Party
Nov. 15, 2014: A preliminary version of the Transhumanist Party website goes live
Nov 2014: Zoltan Istvan debates Anarchist John Zerzan at Stanford University
Dec. 3, 2014: Initial officers chosen for Transhumanist Party
Dec. 8, 2014: Zoltan Istvan discusses the Transhumanist Party on the Joe Rogan
Dec. 23, 2014: The Telegraph runs a full feature story on the Transhumanist Party
Dec 2014: Zoltan Istvan nominated as 2016 Transhumanist Party presidential candidate
Jan. 1, 2015: You can now join us, volunteer, and make donations to the Transhumanist
Feb. 6, 2015: Zoltan Istvan does interview on Reason TV
Late-Feb. 2015: Specialized campaign for Transhumanist Party funding begins
Feb 22, 2015: Istvan films with BBC America's comedy show Almost Royal as US
Presidential candidate of Transhumanist Party
Spring 2015: Transhumanist Party featured in major media: Gizmodo, Popular Science,
Esquire, Digg, Yahoo! News & many others.
Summer 2015: Transhumanist Party's Zoltan Istan keynote speaker in major events put
on by Financial Times, World Bank, Coin Congress, & Microsoft.
September 2015: Immortality Bus tour across America commences to help build support
for the Transhumanist Party
October 2015: Embedded journalists on the Immortality Bus from Vox, The Verge, Der
Spiegel & many others highlight the party.
November 2015: Front page story on BBC on Zoltan Istvan and Transhumanist Party
reaches over a million readers.
December 2015: Zoltan Istvan delivers a Transhumanist Bill of Rights to the US Capitol
January 2016: Fusion TV feature on Zoltan Istvan and the Transhumanist Party airs.
February 2016: Major Australian channel SBS airs 10-minute TV show on Zoltan Istvan's
campaign in Los Angeles
February 2016: Zoltan Istvan consults with US Navy
March 2016: Zoltan Istvan discusses robot presidents and his campaign on CBC, which
also aired on NPR, reaching a few million people
April 2016: At Harvard University's Kennedy school, Zoltan Istvan speaks to Harvard
Future Society
May 2016: Transhumanist Party's Zoltan Istvan joins transhumanism panel at Digital
Hollywood in Los Angeles on May 4th
June 2016: Presidential candidate Istvan speaks at Augmented World Expo and BrainBar
in Europe
July 2016: Zoltan Istvan protests at GOP convention in Cleveland (Watch the Now This
video on his campaign)
July 216 Zoltan Istvan protests at Democratic convention in Philadelphia (Watch The
Young Turks interview)
August 2016: Zoltan Istvan presents transhumanism concepts at CNN Courageous
panel for Dues  Ex in New York City.
August 2016: Zoltan Istvan speaks at RAAD Fesitval in San Diego
August 2016: Article on Gary Johnson on Futurism by Zoltan Istvan, who interviewed to be
his Libertarian Vice President
September 2016: Zoltan Istvan pens San Francisco Chronicle Op-Ed on Transhumanist
Olympics; SFC video made on Transhumanist Party too
Late September 2016: Zoltan Istvan speaks at RoboBusiness and is on BBC World
Service with Prof. Lawrence Lessig
September 2016: Zoltan Istvan appears on The Rubin Report
September 30 2016: Zoltan Istvan gives transhumanism workshop and speech at
University of Central Florida; CBC covered it
October 2, 2016: Zoltan Istvan visits The Venus Project
October 14, 2016: Zoltan Istvan interviews with Anonymous
October 19 2016: Zoltan Istvan speaks at University of Baltimore
October 2016: Zoltan Istvan gets profile on ISideWith & joins Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, and
Evan McMullin on ISideWith online debate
October 21, 2016: Zoltan Istvan does live Facebook interview at Now This and then
attends Transhumanist Party meet-up in New York City
November 2, 2016: Zoltan Istvan Reddit Futurology AMA
November 8, 2016: Zoltan Istvan votes on election day
Copyright 2014-2019       www.transhumanistparty.org       info@zoltanistvan.com      
Transhumanist Party™ is a registered trademark; all services and products of Transhumanist Party are protected under law
Zoltan Istvan wearing first Transhumanist Party t-shirt
First original Transhumanist Party website --
October 2014
One of the first Transhumanist Party rallies --
San Francisco, 2015
"Zoltan Istvan is founder of the Transhumanist Party, a legally
recognized and PR-minded political effort that calls attention
to what tomorrow's mainstreaming of today's rapidly
developing technology could mean for human life."
-United Nations